Most Useful CMD Commands Aka Terminal Commands

Most Useful CMD Commands

CMD stands for command prompt and in Windows 11 command prompt has been replaced with the Windows Terminal which was introduced with the Windows 11. Apparently Command Prompt is more powerful than the graphical user interface unless you know how to use it. As the name command prompt suggest its job is only to execute commands and using scripts and batches it makes the process automatic. Even though CMD is mainly made for executing command but using CMD you can perform advanced administrative functions, troubleshoot or even resolve specific types of Windows problems. As of my knowledge command prompt has more than 280 commands which is mainly used by people in IT sector. If you are a Windows basic user you can perform all of those stuff that you do graphically, for instance, cut, copy, paste, delete, clean a disk, backup, restart, send messages to other computers and more. Without wasting time, let me walk you through the most Useful CMD Commands in Windows 11 but first learn How to Access CMD.

How to Access CMD aka Terminal?

There are several ways and methods that you can use to access CMD aka Terminal in Windows 11.

  1. The usual method is to search for CMD on start menu.
  2. Or You can the run dialog box and type CMD.
  3. Press Windows + X or right-click on the start menu and open Terminal aka CMD.
Useful CMD Commands

Launch CMD in Windows 11


Command Function
Help Showing basic CMD commands and instructions on how each command works
assoc View and edit file extensions (you can specify which program to use to open which files)
bitsadmin Create or download or upload tasks and monitor their progress
call Calling a batch program from another without stopping the running batch program. This command accepts labels as the call target
cmd Starts a new instance of the command prompt. If used without parameters, it displays the version and copyright information of the operating system
comp Compare the contents of two or more sets of files
compact Show or change file compression on NTFS drives
CHDIR or CD Display name or change current directory
Cipher Show or change the encryption of directories and files on NTFS drives. If used without parameters, cipher displays the encryption status of the current directory and any files in it
clip Redirect command output from the command line to the Windows clipboard. You can use this command to copy data directly into any program that can receive text from the clipboard. Also, you can paste this text output into other programs
Chkdsk Checking the disk and displaying a report of its status
chkntfs Show or change the automatic disk check when starting the computer. If used without options, chkntfs displays the file system of the specified volume
CLS Clear the page
cmdkey Creates, lists, and deletes saved usernames and passwords or credentials
COLOR Change the color and text of the CMD environment
Copy Copies one or more files to another location
ftp debug Change the status of Debugging mode. This mode is off by default . If it’s on, you’ll see a < sign before every command sent to the remote computer
diskcomp Compare the content of two discs
diskcopy Copying the contents of one disk to another
Diskpart Helps you manage computer drives (disks, partitions, volumes or virtual drives)
Doskey It has a user to call previously used commands and edit them and create macros
Date Display and adjust the date
dir Display a list of files and subdirectories in a directory
echo Display messages or turn command echoing on or off. If used without parameters, it displays the current echo settings
eventcreate Creating a custom event in a specific event report for the admin
del or Erase Delete one or more files
Exit Exit the command line
exec Run the script file on the local computer. This command copies or restores data as part of a backup or restore sequence. If the script fails, an error is returned and DiskShadow terminates
Expand Expand one or more compressed files. You can use this command to recover compressed files
FC Compare one or more separate files and display the differences
Find Search for a text string in one or more files
Format Format the disk for use with Windows
gpfixup After the domain name change operation, it resolves domain name dependencies in Group Policy Objects and its links. To use this command, you must install Group Policy Management as a feature through Server Manager
gpupdate Update Group Policy settings
hostname Display host name
label Create or change or delete the label (name) of a drive. If used without parameters, changes the current drive or removes an existing label
Log off Sign out of your Windows account
MD or MKDIR Create directory
MOVE Moving one or more files from one directory to another directory
mode Displays system status and changes system settings or reconfigures ports or devices. If used without parameters, mode displays all available console controllable properties and COM devices .
msiexec tool to install, modify, and perform operations on Windows Installer from the command line
msinfo32 Open the System Information tool to display a comprehensive view of the hardware and system components and the software environment on the local computer.
openfiles It helps the admin to display or query or disconnect files and directories opened in the system. This command also enables or disables the Maintain Objects List system global flag
PRINT Print text file
pause Suspends batch processing and displays the “…Press any key to continue” prompt
pushd Save the current directory and then change it
popd Changes the current directory to the directory most recently saved with the pushd command
RD Delete directory
rdpsign Digital signature with remote desktop protocol file (rdp.)
recover Recover readable data from a damaged or defective disk
ReFSUtil is a tool included with Windows and Windows Server that attempts to detect severely damaged ReFS volumes and identify the remaining files and copy those files to another volume
REN or RENAME Renaming one or more files. Directory and drive names cannot be changed with this command
REPLACE Replace files
RMDIR Delete directory
ROBOCOPY Advanced features for copying files and directory tree
schtasks Adds and removes commands and programs to run periodically or at a specific time and tasks from the program. It also starts and stops tasks on demand and displays and changes scheduled tasks
secedit Configures and analyzes system security by comparing your current security configuration with specified security patterns
SFC It scans and verifies all protected system files and replaces incorrect versions with correct ones
serverweoptin Allows you to turn on error reporting
shift Changes the position of batch parameters in the batch file
SHUTDOWN Turn off the computer
Systeminfo detailed configuration information about a computer and its operating system, including operating system configuration, security information, product ID, and hardware characteristics ( such as RAM and disk space and network cards ) .
takeown It helps the admin to restore the previously denied access to the file and make the admin the owner of the file. This command is usually used in batch files
TASKKILL Terminate all running processes and services
TASKLIST Display a list of all running processes including services
time Displays or sets the system time. If used without parameters, it displays the current system time and prompts you to enter a new time
title Creates a title for the command prompt window
tree Graphically displays the directory structure of a path or disk in a drive. The structure displayed with this command depends on the parameters you specify on the command line. If you do not specify a drive or path, this command displays a tree structure starting with the current directory of the current drive.
typeperf Writes performance data to the command window or to a log file. You must press CTRL+C to stop
tzutil Displays the Windows Time Zone tool
VER Displays the operating system version number
verify Tells the command prompt tool whether your files were properly written to the drive.
vol The label shows the volume of the drive and the serial number, if any. If used without parameters, displays current drive information
wbadmin Backup and restore of operating system, volumes, files, folders and programs via command line
Wdsutil It is a command line tool used to manage the Windows Deployment Services server
webutil Allows you to retrieve information about reporting events and publishers. You can also use this command to install and remove event manifests, run queries, and export, archive, and purge logs.
where Displays the location of files that match the given search pattern
whoami Displays the user and group information and privileges of the user currently logged in to the local system. If used without parameters, it displays the current domain and username
winrs Windows Remote Management allows you to manage and run programs remotely
winsat mfmedi Measures video decoding (playback) performance using the Media Foundation framework
wscript Windows Script Host provides an environment where users can run scripts in different languages that use different object models to perform tasks.
Xcopy Copies files and directories including subdirectories

Network CMD commands


Command Function
PING Checking the connection to the Internet or the desired network
IPCONFIG Shows the information of the network adapters available on the system and their details. The most important information obtained from this command details the IPv4 address and Default Gateway section of the wireless and Ethernet network adapters.
TRACERT Troubleshooting possible network problems by sending packets and trying to connect to the intended destination
GETMAC Display mac address For system network adapters
NSLOOKUP Find domain specific IP address
NETSTAT Display general statistics and troubleshooting and network analysis. Active connections in the LAN type system It shows either inside the network or the connection on the Internet and covers the ports information completely
NETSH View all networking operations and fine-tune network adapters in the system. Running this command will change CMD to Network Shell mode
pathping Providing information about network delay and information about sending and losing packets through the network
pktmon cross-component and in-box network diagnostic tool for Windows, which is used to detect lost and received packets, filter and count packets.
qappsrv Display a list of all remote desktop session hosting servers on the network


I would suggest you to learn How to use CMD since it is very help and less time consuming for completing a task. I hope that these Useful CMD Commands can help you along your journey while using Windows 11. For details and more info about these commands visit the official Microsoft page.

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